Okay, so it's the new year, 2010...really? Everyone is talking resolutions, my running shoes come out of retirement tomorrow (reluctantly). What are my resolutions? A better question might be what are not my resolutions? Like everyone else I want to lose a few pounds, eat healthier, spend more time with family and friends, slow time down, be ORGANIZED...you know the list. My question is how to get these from being resolutions to becoming my reality! Our pastor had a good idea..."resolve to just breathe." Breathing is good, I can breathe...okay, reality! Baby steps, take one closet at a time, replace one snack with a healthy one, run a little farther each day, ask a friend to have lunch once a month, make reservations for Saturday's date night instead of waiting on my husband to do it...I can do this! We'll see where we get with the diet and the running (did I really sign up for a half-marathon in April???) but atleast for right now...I am breathing!
Jesus said, "I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abudnace (to the full, till it overflows)" John 10:10
Yes, have AND enjoy! Happy New Year!
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