Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Think Spring!

The weather is unpredictable these days, especially in the day it's 40 degrees and the next it's near 80! So while we can't completely change over our closets yet we can definitely let our minds go to warmer days and sunny skies. We think these fabulous new cell phone cases will do just the trick!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Celebrate the Steam Clean! today's post really doesn't have anything to do with celebrating life to fullest but let's face it...some days we have to be domestic! Two kids, two cats and a dog can really take it's toll on carpet and ours had reached an all time low! Finally giving up on scheduling a carpet cleaning I tried something I found on Pinterest and VIOLA...clean carpets! I thought I would share the quick fix miracle with you...1 part ammonia, 1 part HOT water....mix in a spray bottle. Spray stain with ammonia mixture, cover with white towel and iron on steam...stains be gone!!!! Seriously, maybe this is about celebrating life...I have to admit, I did a happy dance! Cheers y'all!

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